I love Google and all Google Products! I can spend hours playing around on my customized Google Homepage. This fascination was spurred by my techie boyfriend who keeps me abreast on all the fun new Google tools, so what did we do one fun Saturday afternoon, customize those pages together.
He started using Google Reader about six months ago, I didn't though.
( Google Reader, for those of you who may not know the family of Google Products all that well is basically an internet inbox, you tell Google Reader which website you would like to track, Google Reader tells you when something new has been posted on said website)
At the time it looked a little confusing so I didn't sign up, didn't do the online tutorial, didn't think much about it afterwards. I have been spying Richards activity though, and since watching him was basically a six month tutorial I threw caution to the wind and signed up for Google Reader today.
I love it!!!!! In a matter of 15 minutes Google Reader has changed my life, no more manually going to my favourite blogs to see if anything is new. Google Reader will tell me automatically whether or not there is a new post of any of the blogs I visit regularly. How unbelievably wonderful!! Yea Google!!!
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