I have been coaching gymnastics for four years; I was once a competitive gymnast many eons ago; and now I am an assistant coach in the competitive stream at my old gym. I love coaching! I find so much joy at my gym...and I have learned an incredible amount from the kids around me. Here are a few of the lessons the kids have shared with me.
1) Children are sponges - Ok so I know everyone talks about how children of a certain age can learn and retain information quicker than their adult counterparts, but until you watch a 6 year learn to do a round of back handspring in two weeks you aren't visually attuned to the capacity. Grab hold of children from the age of 2 on and share everything you have with them...read, talk about life, go to museums, science centres, just learn! They will absorb it and it will affect their future!
2) Never bring your personal life to work - When I am upset, or frustrated and I let that come through at the gym I see it reflected in my gymnasts. They don't listen as well, they act out, they obsesssively attempt to get my attention. So I leave my day at the door of the gym, and I can not tell you how much easier that makes my work!
3) Children will be what you expect of them - Related to number 2; if you expect good things out of children, if you bring enthusiasm and vibrancy and you expect your kids to work hard, do their best, they will. Reflect what you would like to see!
4) Kids are really interesting; Listen to them - Kids are funny, they have stories and lives and they love to share it. So listen to the children, get to know them and you will build relationships that are meaningful and will last a lifetime. I have one gymnast who insists on calling me Stephanie, my name is Kate. This gymnast knows my name but she thinks it's funny to call me Stephanie. She makes me laugh on a daily basis and it's great to share laughter with others. I'm just happy I am not Emily, one of the other assistant coaches, she gets called Shakira!
5) 26 young gymnasts are really loud - The Head Coach at our gym has some fantastic tricks of how to quiet a gymful of noisy gymnasts. He claps his hands in a specific pattern, the girls job is to repeat it and stop talking. When you hear that clap you know the gym is too loud, and that Scot needs some quiet to get a message across. You also know that you could be in some trouble...eek!! I love watching the girls after the clap...their reactions are priceless.
6) Ibuprofen is a gymnastic coach's best friend - Between the loud gymnasts and the shoulder, arm, elbow, lower back pain from spotting 100's of back handsprings a day ibuprofen has become a coaching necessity.
7) Global Warming is a reality - I have never seen a roomful of kids sweat in the middle of October like I have in 2007! Last week we had 100 degree weather, second week of October and our kids were lethargic and somewhat dismal. Our competitive gymnasts take the month of July off because we know they can't handle the heat, I never imagined we would be having similar issues in October.
8) Children are incredibly resilient - I have seen kids fly 10 feet off the uneven bars, I have seen kids fall on their heads attempting challenging tricks. It's the life of a gymnast. I have seen these things happen and children immediately bounce back up and try again. Adults could learn so much from this sort of perseverance.
9) Life should be fun - The more fun we incorporate into practice, the better the kids train. If we laugh, enjoy ourselves, smile with the girls they train better. Making things fun for them makes our lives easier and makes the coaches calmer and happier while at the gym! I know my stress levels are significantly lower when I'm happy and having a good time, so lets find ways to keep ourselves content, happy and excited about life!
10) Children have so much love to give - So let them give it. I love watching when we introduce new young gymnasts to the competitive stream. The older gymnasts gravitate towards these kids, they love helping them, showing them the ropes, teaching them skills. Sharing our skills and being joyful towards others is such a positive thing to do. And so few of us remember to do it when we meet new people. We should though...share love and you will see it returned.
These are just a few of the lessons that I have learned in my years coaching. I often reflect on my experiences coaching, the lessons the kids have shared with me and the joy I take home. Please share the lessons you've learned from children; being a parent, coaching like myself, teaching...I would love to know your kid stories!
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